Bienvenid@s a My own Arcadia

Me pareció una buena idea asociar el mito de la Arcadia a este blog dedicado a la enfermedad de Parkinson para reivindicar el optimismo necesario para que podamos seguir disfrutando al máximo de nuestra propia vida dentro de las posibilidades de cada un@ y en cada momento.

Nuestra propia Arcadia (My onw Arcadia) la tenemos que construir dentro y alrededor de nosotros mismos con aquellos que amamos y que nos aman.

lunes, 23 de junio de 2008

Mild cognitive impairment in Parkinson’s disease: the challenge and the promise

Abstract: This review addresses the literature surrounding Parkinson’s disease (PD) and mild cognitive impairment (MCI).

It discusses the neuropsychological, pharmaceutical, and pathological overlap, the socioeconomic impact of PD and MCI, and the value of recognizing,understanding, and treating MCI in PD.

It is concluded from this review that MCI in PD does exist and should be considered in clinical and research investigations. Due to the lack of accepted clinical criteria, an inclusive operating definition of MCI in PD is proposed.

Research guidelines for studying the presence of MCI in PD and evaluating the efficacy of pharmaceutical interventions are also suggested.

Abstract: This review addresses the literature surrounding Parkinson’s disease (PD) and mild cognitive impairment (MCI). It discusses the neuropsychological, pharmaceutical, and pathological overlap, the socioeconomic impact of PD and MCI, and the value of recognizing,understanding, and treating MCI in PD. It is concluded from this review that MCI in PD does exist and should be considered in clinical and research investigations. Due to the lack of accepted clinical criteria, an inclusive operating definition of MCI in PD is proposed. Research guidelines for studying the presence of MCI in PD and evaluating the efficacy of pharmaceutical interventions are also suggested.

See full article.......

">Resumen: Esta revisión se refiere a la literatura en torno a la enfermedad de Parkinson (PD) y deterioro cognitivo leve (MCI).
Se analizan los neuropsicológicas, farmacéutico, patológicos y se superponen, el impacto socioeconómico de PD y MCI, y el valor de reconocer, la comprensión y el tratamiento de MCI en la DP.

Se concluye de esta revisión que MCI en PD existe y debe ser considerada en la investigación clínica y las investigaciones. Debido a la falta de criterios clínicos aceptados, una definición de explotación de MCI en PD se propone.
Directrices de investigación para estudiar la presencia de MCI en PD y evaluar la eficacia de las intervenciones farmacéuticas son también sugeridas.


Hubert H Fernandez1
Gregory P Crucian1
Michael S Okun1
Catherine C Price2
Dawn Bowers2
1Department of Neurology,
2Department of Clinical and Health
Psychology, University of Florida,
Gainesville, FL, USA

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